Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Comfort Zone

Face it, we like to be comfortable, right? I sure do. When we buy furniture or a new bed for instance, what is one of the most important factors? Comfort. Even some thermostats have an area marked as "comfort zone." We like to be comfortable in all areas of our lives, including our spirituality.

I remember one day back in seminary myself and group of classmates were having a discussion while waiting for class to begin. Somehow we got on the topic of church size. Most of us agreed that church size was not a big issue for us and would not mind working in a large congregation. However, one gentleman adamantly disagreed. He, a pastor, stated he did not want his church to be more than 30 or 40 people at most. I was quite shocked by this statement and asked why. He stated he would not be comfortable with a congregation larger than this because he wanted know everyone. In other words he did not want to step outside his comfort zone. We cannot afford to allow our comfort zone affect how we serve our God.

I think back at my own life and wonder how many times did I choose comfort over potential. I then ask myself, "How many times has God opened a door and I close it on Him?" If I really think about I can come up with several instances. However, I cannot come up with one good excuse as to why I did not trust God. I became selfish with my life because I did not want to step outside of my comfort zone.

We need to look to the Bible for examples of men and women who stepped out of their comfort zone and allowed God to work in their lives. Noah built a huge boat while people laughed. Abraham left his home and went to a new land. David conquered a giant. Esther stood before a king to save her people. Peter and Andrew put aside their nets to become fishers of men. Paul was beaten and jailed numerous times and did not once stop preaching the gospel of Christ. It all comes down to this: Great men and women of the Bible and throughout the history of the church have one thing in common - they stepped out of their comfort zone. They allowed the Father to define the comfort zone.

Who defines your comfort zone?

Stepping Out,

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