Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Heavy Thoughts

Over the past week or so I have attempted to write several blog posts but have stopped short of completing any of them. I will not get into any of those thoughts or ideas tonight, at least not in detail. I have been thinking about the condition of our country. I believe the total collapse of our economy is near, not just our economy, but the world economy as well. I fear what will arise out of the ashes. Integrity and morality do not seem to have a place in our society. God and Christian Faith are under attack and I fear a time of great persecution is just around the corner. I see so much happening, I am in disbelief. I often ask what can I do? I do not have any influence. I am not an articulate speaker. I only have a handful of readers on this blog. What can I do? I can only come to one conclusion, and that is to pray. Pray that God will deliver us from this turmoil and strife and if it is not His will, then gives us the strength to persevere.

I often find myself hoping for a trumpet sound and the glorious return of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Now that really is hope and change I can get into. Come Lord Jesus, come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff. Yes, this side of heaven can look pretty bleak at times. I wonder how Christians in persecuted places look at life. It must be so dismal! But maybe they are able to gain a different perspective. We in the US are spoiled with a life of cushyness. Something difficult comes a long and on a scale of 1 to 10 we have a 9 reaction. Someone who was used to dealing with tough issues might record the same experience as a 2 or 3.

When I start getting blue about circumstances and boulders in the road that I can't seem to budge, I try to dig deeper to uncover the real purpose of life. A non-believer can't do this. You and I can. Exactly why am I here? What is my purpose? And how long is my assignment compared to eternity?

I've read articles and heard testimonies of people who have survived being a prisoner of war. How could they exist day after day, year after year, with little or no encouragement? What did they draw on for strength? One person who the name now escapes me, said she had to look beyond the circumstances, beyond herself to a greater purpose. She'd start her day basically saying, "Well, Lord, another day where I'm not in control but You are. What would you like me to do today? Is there someone who's life I can touch even a tiny bit? Do you want me to spend the day worshiping You? Or do you want me to do nothing but sweep my tiny corner of the cell? I'm sure looking forward to coming Home, but as long as I'm here, I'll do whatever it is You want me to do."

Things could get tough here in the US in the next few years. Like you, I mourn over the changes in our government and what goes on around us. I mourn over the environment my grandchildren must grow up in. I wonder what it will be like for them when they are adults, having their own families. I too, wonder if persecution is just around the corner, either arising from within our borders or piercing through from the outside.

Sometimes life is so vague. Have you ever found yourself with a blindfold on, walking around the room trying to pin a paper tail on the right spot of a donkey poster? All you have to go on is the cheering and verbal direction of voices around you. All you can hope for is that you'll find a spot somewhere on the donkey, even his nose or knee, and not the lamp, not the window, not the plain wall. This seems to be how my life is sometimes. I don't know exactly where to aim, but I'm trying to be a good sport and do the best I can with what I have.

Seems dark. Seems bleak. But there's a wonderful book title that came out awhile back that speaks volumes to me on some of these issues. "Poking Holes in the Darkness." Maybe that's all we can do right now, is try to poke as many holes in the darkness as we can, by fulfilling whatever assignment God gives us.

Where is strength for today and hope for tomorrow? A non-believer has to look up for that answer. A follower of Him need only look within, for He's pitched His tent there and is as close as a heart beat.

Blessings to you today, dear one. You are right - He will either deliver us or give us the strength to endure. May you experience both today.
