Sunday, January 20, 2008

'First' Communion

Interesting visual lesson from Daddy this morning.

Today was the first Sunday since my youngest daughter asked Jesus into her heart. She was excited about taking communion and was talking quietly as the trays were being passed. She was saying the bread is the broken body of Jesus and the juice was His blood. The trays came to our row and I began to take a cup for myself and one for her. Next thing I knew I was spilling grape juice all over her pretty white dress. There was a look a shock on her face and I was feeling terrible that I had just done this. We finished communion and then she went to her class. My wife brought me the outer, white part of her dress and I went to wash it out. The stain came out. I was relieved. As I was taking the previously stained clothing to the car it was as if God, Daddy, was saying, "How did you like the lesson? Share it with her." So after church, I showed her the dress. I told her sin is a lot like the stain, it damages us, but Jesus makes us clean by taking our sin.

Thought I would share this simple, yet profound lesson. It is one I have know for many, many years, yet today, it was if it was new. Sometimes I forget and it takes a simple lesson like spilled grape juice to remind me to not take His love and sacrifice for granted.

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