Thursday, August 23, 2007


You've no doubt heard recent headlines or news stories regarding identity theft. One's life can be thrown into complete chaos in a matter a few keystrokes. Bank accounts are drained, credit is ruined and life becomes more of a struggle. One's identity can be put back in order after it has been stolen. But, it takes hard work, great expense and determination.

Have you had your identity stolen?

Think about it carefully. Mine has... and so has yours. A master thief has stolen your identity. In fact, he has stolen the identity of every person whoever has been on this earth. Through our sin we have had our identity stolen by Satan. Satan then wants you to believe this identity is now tarnished, destroyed and utterly worthless. If you believe this, then he wins.

So what do we do with our seemingly worthless identity. We take it to Jesus. It takes hard work to bring about changes in one's life. It takes determination to live out this changes in every day life. It also comes with great expense. When we take this broken and tattered identity to Jesus for Him to fix, He takes it to the cross. It is at the cross our old identity dies, it is at the grave it is brought to new life. But something changes, it is no longer our identity alone. We find that now our identity is with Christ, so that when others see us they see Christ. It is this new identity that God the Father sees when He looks at us. Christ paid the cost -- His life -- so that our stolen identity is made better than brand new. If you believe this, then you win.

Where is your identity?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good article. Glad to see you are writing again.